"One of the final exercises of the ritual of passage of boyhood into manhood is when the newly initiated novice is able to speak to those behind him of the lessons he has learned. LADY’S MAN is a penetrating, personal and poignant message in the language and the images of this day and time by Dr. Obari Cartman that represents a successful completion of his transition through the stages of boyhood and initiation into manhood. As Malcolm X internalized the messages of manhood taught by his Man Teachers: Marcus Garvey, Elijah Muhammad, Dr. W.E.B. DuBois-- who transmitted the messages of their teachers, Frederick Douglas, David Walker, Bishop Henry McNeil Turner and Dr. Edward Blyden—in the language and context of this day and time, Dr. Cartman now has demonstrated his successful matriculation into African Manhood with the message and lessons he has penned in LADY’S MAN. He imparts the accumulated wisdom of those who have facilitated his passage into manhood by his articulate translation of the messages of our African Griots and Ancestors, by his ability to speak in the language and the images of this generation and those who apply this timely guide by the lessons he has learned that they may soon demonstrate their successful passage by translating and transmitting to those behind them the eternal truths encapsulated in the appropriate imagery and language of their time and place. The Elder teachers have taught Dr. Cartman well and their integrity has been maintained through his ability to clearly and honestly speak the words of old in the language of this time that those who must follow in his steps may preserve the liberating and instructive wisdom of their message. Congratulations, Dr.Obari Cartman, for a successful transition, transformation with impeccable clarity and honesty enhanced by your personal journey."
Na’im Akbar, Ph.D. ,
-Student of the African Mind
"In this deeply compelling and manifestly brilliant book, Dr. Obari Cartman taps into the rich legacy of the greatest African griots of time past, in order to weave a series of 21st century life-affirming stories of hope, salvation, and love. His primary audience is the teeming masses of racialized and silenced young Black men of America, desperately seeking to rediscover the sacred and civic path that leads to voice, identity, and power. Using language that is very accessible, he delivers masterfully in all areas. Not since James Baldwin’s The Fire Next Time has there been a book that speaks so powerfully to the souls of young Black men. The book is a must read for all, and to the extent that it successfully answers the stubborn and elusive American question of "how did we get here?" it may very well be the most important book a young Black boy or man will read in his lifetime."
Dr. Stanley Howard
-Founder and President of The Law and Civics Reading and Writing Institute (A Chicago-based education think tank), and author of Righting America’s Wrongs: A Best Practices Manual for Educating Black Male Youth.
"Lady’s Man is brutally honest and provides concrete suggestions for improving black female and male relations and extended family development that is so critical to the African community in America. I would encourage everyone in our community to read this creative, thoughtful, reflective, and insightful exposé by Dr. Cartman."
Dr. Conrad Worrill
-Director and Professor of the Carruthers Center for Inner City Studies (Northeastern Illinois University)
"This book had my attention form the first to the last word. And had me do alot of self reflecting as a man. This is a MUST READ, for women too, but, especially for the black man of present day."
Courvosier "Hunid Proof" Randolph
-young Black man
"Dr. Cartman is one of the wise and visionary writers of his generation. Don’t miss this book that can change your life!"
Dr. Cornel West
"Dr. Cartman's instant classic is a must read for anyone that knows and loves a black man. As a mother with the incredible task of helping a boy become a man in these daunting times I am encouraged to know there are thoughtful, compassionate and courageous men like Dr. Cartman that are sharing their wisdom, challenges and triumphs that will help provide guidance for all of our sons."
jessica Care moore
-Poet, Publisher, Activist Moore Black Press
"Dr. Cartman has done a brilliant job in empowering Black males to reach their full potential and respect females. Obari clearly understands the nation is only as strong as the family."
Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu
-author of Countering the Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys